
Polsolution IN

Additional to static limits on existing antenna pole structures sometimes there is the problem to avoid visible changes on the existing antenna pole structure due to very difficult and long lasting proceedings to receive necessary building permits.

Our product Polsolution IN was designed and engineered for these situations. The hollow space inside the existing tubes will be filled with a special synthetic material and carbon fibres. This material was createt from our co-operation partner Carbon Solutions for this application. This reinforcing can be done without outage times of commercial launched networks. The preconditions for installing Polsolution IN are that there are no closed flanges or any other inlays.

Polsolution IN is not only practically invisible, it also saves costs at installation because of the weight of our used material (lighter than water). The installation can be done without crane or cherry picker on mobile network sites with access to the poles. The construction is able to carry the new added mobile network antennas just 24 hours after the filling procedure. This construction method achieves excellent tensile strength, e.g. better then concrete. The stiffness can be increased up to 50%!

Polsolustion IN without Reinforcing
Without Reinforcing
Polsolustion IN with Reinforcing
With Reinforcing